At BCIT, we are a vibrant third place where students explore community and blend heritage with technology to shape a future that reflects their cultural roots. As cultural conduits, we foster forward-thinking discourse, leadership, and creativity through innovative programming and resources. Our commitment to excellence ensures every student is empowered to create positive change in their communities and beyond. By fostering an environment of well-being, we are driven to continuously evolve. 

A Third Place


The term “third place” originates from a 1989 book,The Great Good Place,by sociologist Ray Oldenberg. He characterized third places as locations that facilitate social interaction outside of the people you live or work with and encourage “public relaxation.” They are places where you encounter “regulars,” or frequenters of a space, as well as potential new connections. The concept of a "third place" in the context of student spaces refers to a location beyond home (the "first place") and work or school (the "second place") where individuals can gather, socialize, and engage in activities outside of their usual environments. Designating BCIT as a third place can offer several benefits such as: Community Building, Reducing Stress, Enhancing Student Experience, Promoting cross cultural Interaction, Belonging.

Cultural Conduduit


Brides the gap between belonging and development of Students



We want students, faculty, and staff to feel like they belong before, during, and after their time here at Georgia Tech.